Return Policy
You have 30 days from your order delivery date to report any defective items. Such items will be replaced. You have 5 days from your order delivery date to report any clothing items that do not fit. Such items may be exchanged for a different size. A $2 restocking fee will apply.
- We do not offer satisfaction returns.
- All returns must be pre-authorized. Please obtain an RMA by filling out the PRODUCT RETURN form below.
- Items must be returned in their original packaging.
- Shipping charges will not be refunded on unclaimed/refused/undeliverable packages.
How to make a return
- Please obtain an RMA by filling out the PRODUCT RETURN form below.
- If submitting the form, please include the following information:
- Your order number, name and email address.
- Products you wish to return and the reason for the return.
When can I expect my credit and/or replacement?
Please allow up to 5 business days from the date we receive your package for us to process your credit and/or replacement.